What To Expect When You Date A Scorpio
Geplaatst op 03-02-2025
Categorie: Lifestyle
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GOOD THINGS: tend to have a fantastic, contagious laugh and a nice smile; highly creative and artistic and are never one to go for standards or replicas; sex is intense and damn good; extremely intelligent; looks amazing in the color red ; uncanny ability to reinvent themselves and blaze a path of success; talks to ghosts and is generally obsessed with with the ‘other side’; plays the group comic/goofball; provides interesting and witty comments with an undertone of amusing snarkiness; won’t judge you; will make you feel like the epitome of “love and light” because no one will ever be as dark and intense as they are; if someone crosses you, your Scorpio will have your back; loyalty to their friends and family is stronger than steel; penetrates deep into the psyche of the human mind, or the hidden meanings of the Universe; always end up winning, some way or another; a complex nature and secretive personality always keeps you intrigued.
BAD THINGS: that aforementioned complex nature and secretive personality is a double edge sword—you may never gain access to the true depths of a Scorpio’s soul, no matter how much you “prove yourself” worthy to them; revenge is a dish best served by Chez Scorpio; depression is their best friend, and loneliness their confidant; obsessions and addictions come second nature to them—they won’t judge you for drinking that bottle of wine, because they probably already drank two; drawn to competition and winning, they don’t lose well (or often, or for long); if you don’t love them 110%, then it ain’t real love to a true blooded Scorpio—they demand YOUR soul, even if they don’t give you theirs in return; don’t try flirting with other people– jealousy is Scorpio’s childhood playmate; when they finally lose their temper, watch out for that infamous Scorpio sting—you won’t forget the shock and painful after effects for the rest of your life; they are more intuitive and profound than you will ever be, which means they have the power to manipulate better than most.
DATE THEM IF YOU: think tantric sex and erotica are the best way to spend your free time; are more light-hearted and aloof and could use someone to bring out the intensity in you; need to be with someone who is deep and profound—you enjoy the challenge of getting to know all about them; enjoy holding regular séances at your house, or want to speak to the dead; enjoy history, politics, or literature, and think that knowledge is power; want to explore the deep meanings of things, rather than stay on the superficial level; want the quiet comfort of knowing that you will have an utterly loyal partner that gives you a strong sense of security; don’t mind someone decoding all your own personal secrets and skeletons.
ADDITIONAL: People often think that Scorpio is supposed to be all doom and gloom—intense, jealous, obsessive, addictive, and vengeful. Well, they can be all of the above. If driven to the deepest corners of their psyche, they can be as cold and chilling as the infamous Charles Manson (a Scorpio, of course).
But what may surprise you is that the majority of Scorpios can come off as entirely the opposite. Sweet and soft spoken, with a great laugh and smile, and a super charismatic disposition, they can charm the pants off of you, your best friends, your boss, and your parents/grandparents/aunts and uncles. They have a charm about them that is fascinating. You don’t think of Julia Roberts, Goldie Hawn, Sally Field, Owen Wilson, Josh Duhamel, or Matthew McConaughey as dark and brooding, do you? No, you LOVE them. In fact, those actresses have all been labeled as “America’s Sweethearts” and those men are so charming, sexy, and funny. They bang drums in the nude, play the lead screwball in a goofy comedy, and get caught smoking up with tweens!! They couldn’t hurt a soul with that sexy smile, could they? How could these famous Scorpios have anything in common with Charles Manson or Ahmadinejad?
The power of the Scorpio lies in their ability to be whoever they want you to think they are. Wearing multiple masks for their faces is their forte. This is not to be confused with Gemini, who has multiple personalities and likes to keep things “light” and surface level. Scorpio doesn’t have multiple personalities, but rather, multiple identities. They try and come off as goofy or light-hearted, but you sense it—don’t you?—that there is something more to them, lurking just below the surface. A brilliant mastermind, an intense and passionate heart, a powerful force that won’t die…it’s all there, glimmering in that intense stare of theirs. It would be wiser to “watch out” for the sweet and innocent Scorpios—they have mastered the art of masking their soul to the public. Those are the type you may never ever get to really know because they have done such a good job of making you think they are as sweet as pie. They know the human psyche better than most, and they know they will get more bees with honey than with vinegar.
It would be wise, however, to never ever cross a Scorpio. Their intensity and competitive nature practically assures that they will get their revenge at some point. And remember: they are the Scorpion and the Phoenix—they never die. Just as the Scorpion’s tail grows back immediately, or the Phoenix rises from the ashes of death, so will a Scorpio. What seems like a defeat at first will ultimately turn into their triumph. It is powerful, admirable, and inspiring when they turn this power of theirs for good. You may never meet anyone else in your life that affects you more than a Scorpio. Whether it turns into the most intense love of your life, or a form of hero worship and idolization, or conversely, that of intense fear and dread, is yet to be determined. Isn’t it ironic that their sign happens to be celebrated during Halloween, All Souls Day, and the Day of the Dead? No, not really…